Holidays (aka Vacation Days)


Using the "Holidays" option located under the "Account" menu in the upper right corner you can add visual reminders of days off from school. Use this feature to:

  • Add holidays/vacation days to the entire school (every student's calendar will show the holiday)
  • Remember doctor's appointments or family visits
  • Schedule a realistic school load on appointment days (assignments can still be entered on holidays)

One final thought: Homeschool Manager counts attendance for every day you enter an assignment and mark it complete. Holidays do not affect attendance at all- they are visual reminders only! If you enter an assignment on a holiday, you still receive attendance credit for that day.

Keep in mind that Holidays must be entered one day at a time. For long vacations (ex: Christmas Break), consider entering the first and last day as visual markers to save yourself entering 15 days off.


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